My hobbies:

learning languages

I have long had a love for learning languages and practicing them with people I meet. I find that languages are the most important key into a culture and to truly understand a culture, one has to have an understanding of the language first.

My father is a linguist and polyglot which is where I credit my love for languges to come from. growing up in a multi-lingual household, much of the media I consumed was in an array of languages and provided me with a foundation for language appreciation.

I currently speak english, spanish, and french, I can read and write and speak some russian and arabic, I understand much of portuguese due to its similarity to spanish. Currently I'm (rather uncommitedly) learning vietnamese and khmer

my creature

for as long as I can remember, the creature has been here. Always watching, waiting, for what? I can't quite tell. He regards me with these ravenous, hungry eyes, though he does not hunger for my flesh...he wants soemthing deeper, my soul perhaps? my mind?

So long as I bow to him and give him his daily offering, he remains pacified. although there are only so many stray raccoons in my area, it is a matter of time until there are no more and when that day comes, I fear I shall be consumed in one final futile gesture of evaporated humanity.